"Asatha Ma Sathgamaya,
Thamaso Ma Jyothirgamaya,
Murthyorma Amrthangamya"
Based on the above Vedic hymn, which means Lead me towards truth from untruth, lead me towards light from darkness and lead me towards immortality from death, flows the educational philosophy of JP Academy. We strive towards truth and light expelling ignorance. The attainment of highest knowledge, creation of pious and virtuous young men and women is our credo. All this shaping and sharpening of learners takes place in friendly, cooperative and enabling environment. The teaching as well as administrative staff have been directed and instructed by me to look at every child like his/her own and take up their duties in a nobler manner so that the young minds bloom with aromatic fragrance. To ensure real all round development in all facets of personality, physical, mental, spiritual, creative, aesthetic we have provided all the where- withals. And since learning is a dynamic process we ensure updating our pedagogy as well as class support system. An integral part of our learning process will have our students community learning how to question, solve problems and make thoughtful decisions. In the days to come each class room will be upgraded with modern technology to make the process of learning more joyful and effective. I have pledged to provide the best and I will do so for my students, since they are the soul ofJP Academy.
I firmly believe:
Nahi Jnanesa Sadrasham
Nothing is equivalent to knowledge
May God bless everyone stepping in JP Academy